To My Disorder,
You came out today, rearing your despicable face. You told me I wasn't good enough. You told me I had to always prove I was good enough, that I could never just *be* enough. You told me people will always find out the truth about me, that I'm broken. You told me all these lies, and you ruined something very good for me today.
To My Disorder, I want you to know your time is coming to an end. I want you to know I"m done with you. I want you to know you can't tell me I'm not good enough, because I have ALWAYS been and will ALWAYS be enough as I am. I want you to know I"m going down deep to find myself and bring her to the light, and you will move out of the way, you will stop scaring and stopping her from coming up for air. She can hardly breathe and when you keep pushing her down, she will eventually realize you're no good for her. I...I...I...I realize you're no good for me. You're a liar, you're a manipulator, you've made be buy into your lies for so long. And they're just air, they're full of nothing. You're full of nothing, you're empty and souless, and I will beat you.
To My Disorder, I"m going to end this relationship with you. As often as you show up, that's how much harder I will fight you. I will win, piece by piece, battle by battle, slowly. But I will be happy, I will be rid of you, and I will be FREE.
To my Disorder, your time is up. Your time to leave, to be destroyed once and for all, is approaching.
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