Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Eve of Beauty

My title tonight is "Eve of Beauty." Tomorrow I'm beginning a 10-day beauty challenge. Three times a day I will tell myself that I am beautiful, I am worthy, I am lovable, just as I am. The challenge only asks that you tell yourself that you're beautiful, but I'm making mine more personal. I think telling yourself good things should encompass more than beauty, because for some of us beauty has a connotation of outer appearance. But that's not what it is. Beauty comes from within. I know that sounds cheesy but it's true.

On the eve of my challenge, I'm writing a letter to myself.

Dear me,

I am beautiful, as I am. I have a beautiful smile. I have beautiful eyes. I have a beautiful heart. My heart beats for all the days of struggle I've endured, for all the hurt I've experienced, for all the pain I know still exists that needs a safe place to heal. My heart beats for all the people still struggling, for all the hurt children still experience similar to the kind I experienced, for all the pain they carry with nowhere to go.

I am beautiful, as I am. I have a beautifully sarcastic sense of humor. I laugh only when something is REALLY funny. I smile all the time. I listen. I talk, even when I'm scared. I fight like a warrior against a disorder. Even when it's hard, even when I'm helpless, even when it feels like I'm failing, even when it feels like I can't breathe, I keep fighting. I love my family. I love God. I give thanks to them, for the love they've given me. I'm smart. I watch people carefully. I listen carefully. I'm curious about everything. I accept weaknesses of people in my life, but always stand up for them. I am compassionate, I think of others a lot. When I go through something tough I try to help people going through the same things. I work really hard to help myself. I forgive easily, I let my friends make mistakes, I work hard at being a better friend, I like doing new things, I like being creative with my free time, I don't need drinks to make the most of my social time. I laugh at dumb things. I like old people. I like old people things (Golden Girls, Cracker Barrell).

I was created for something beautiful.

Tonight, on the "eve of beauty," I want to tell myself:


With love,

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