After my binge today, I felt low and helpless. I felt like giving up.
But then a friend said something revealing: that's the disorder talking. It wants to make you think it needs it, and it's using the binge as proof in your mind.
This snippet of truth cleared out some of the low feelings. I was letting my disorder make me feel like a failure for bingeing, and that is not true. I'm going to say this again. THAT IS NOT TRUE. I'm tired of listening to this voice that tells me lies, straight up lies. I'm tired of letting it make me believe it.
Here's my gratitude list:
1) I'm grateful for my morning stretch
2) I'm grateful for the calm weather
3) I'm grateful it's not cold outside
4) I'm grateful for my friend who called out my disorder
5) I'm grateful for Geneen Roth's post on her web site about one of her binges, where she simply observed why she turned to food and understood her needs through her relationship to food
6) I'm grateful that my dog kept me company today
7) I'm grateful for my mom, who I know is trying to change how she relates to me
8) I'm grateful for my dad, who loves me as much as he can
9) I'm grateful for my bed
10) I'm grateful for my friends, who ARE there
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