Saturday, October 15, 2011

A List

Nina V. from suggested writing a list of ten things you're grateful for. It can be anything, related to recovery, body, life, etc.

Here's mine:

1) I'm grateful tonight that my parents show me love in the ways they know how. They let me stay at home and take care of me as much as they can
2) I'm grateful for my body-that I can breathe deeply, stand, walk, jog, or run
3) I'm grateful for my close friends
4) I'm grateful that my body still has its health, despite how much I put it through
5) I'm grateful for my emotions, for giving me relief and empowerment when I deal with them and show me something is wrong when I don't deal with them
6) I'm grateful for my courage, to look for recovery and happiness when I'm so scared
7) I'm grateful for my resilience
8) I'm grateful for other people who share their stories that give me inspiration and hope for recovery
9) I'm grateful that my family is in good health
10) I'm grateful that my dog is in good health :-)

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